“To come back from an injury like this and be independent again is a huge accomplishment,” said Lindsey Keffer, a physical therapist with Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital. Keffer is one of several nurses and therapists who worked with Spike during his recovery. Spike worked for weeks to regain the ability to walk, get dressed, and cook on his own. Staff workers said that Spike was determined to get back home after his injury.
“He was progressing every day, and he was very motivated to work hard for us,” said Tessa Golder, an occupational therapy assistant.
“He’s been a pleasure to work with and has come such a long way, from not being able to walk on his own to carrying a giant duffle bag the size of him,” said Keffer.
After finishing his recovery, Spike is now focused on returning to West York High School, where he serves as the school’s athletic manager.
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