Why It Is Important to Get ‘Real’ Rehabilitation

Patient & Caregiver Resources Stroke
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Get the right rehabilitation after a stroke or other debilitating condition or injury is key in recovering to the great extent possible.

Updated from May 2019

I am frequently asked, “Is there a difference in the types of rehabilitation that you receive?” The answer is a resounding, “Yes.” 

Think of it as a glass ceiling. A glass ceiling may occur because of your gender, race or physical disabilities. It means that there is a “ceiling” that limits your opportunities and career choices. If you have a disability such as a stroke and you don’t get the proper type of rehabilitation, you will reach a “glass ceiling.” Not one of real glass, but of opportunity. You are not going to advance beyond a certain point, achieve your goals and you will prematurely reach a plateau.

An example I like to use is that I have three grandchildren with three college funds. If I decide to take away my youngest teenage grandson’s fund and give it to his sisters, I have limited his opportunities. I have created a glass ceiling for him.  (Wait—please don’t tell him quite yet!)

If we don’t give people the right type of rehabilitation, we also set a glass ceiling. They will experience some spontaneous recovery, but they will reach an early plateau. We need to provide the right amount of dose (the correct number of hours of therapy), performing functional tasks, in an inpatient rehabilitation facility. This way they will reach the goals that we have for them. Otherwise, you will create a rehabilitation glass ceiling.

Think about walking on a path in the woods and you come to a fork in the path. The further you go down one path, the farther away you get from where the other path would have taken you. The inpatient rehabilitation hospital path will lead you much closer to an optimal recovery. If you take the other path, it will lead your farther away from your goal of recovery.  

Where you go for rehabilitation is “your path” and one of the most important decisions you will make. 

The content of this site is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical conditions or treatments.